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I cannot praise this practitioner enough! He spent more time with my little one than myself. Imagine...a doctor (or NP, Whatever!) wearing a baby carrier. Literally around the office. He is so comfortable in his practice for the little ones! You know when you meet people who are just doing what they were meant to do? This is one of those people! I feel blessed to have found him.
— Mary M.

A few words from a Client.


Our Clinic is dedicated to providing services to patients with urgent medical needs outside of regular office hours. If you have an urgent medical matter, please call our main phone number at any time for instructions regarding after-hours care.


Bringing a newborn home can be a wonderful yet challenging time for new parents. There is so much to know and not much time to learn it. Let us show you a few techniques that will make a positive difference in the first few months of life for your child, resulting in profound help for you. Swaddling, napping, feeding—there's a proven way to approach these interactions that can make your life easier and your baby content.


The best time for us to see your children is when they are well! A well visit allows us to record a baseline for your child that may be very helpful if we ever need to see them when they're sick. It also gives us a chance to discover subtle signs/symptoms and ways we can improve their health. A study published by the Academy of Pediatrics showed that 54%, or over 1 in 2 children are chronically ill. A well visit provides the perfect opportunity to strive for wellness.


Struggles with learning are incredibly frustrating for children and their families. Often, there are many factors that contribute to these delays and we are here to help identify them. By removing obstacles in a child's path, we frequently see profound improvement. We may recommend support methodologies, sleep analysis and positive environmental settings, all centered around your child and our dedication to help them thrive. 


When it comes to behavioral issues, you are not alone. Together we can create an action plan to help your child thrive. Setting your child up for success, not simply in school but also in their interpersonal relationships is our priority. We will work with you to help identify possible underlying triggers that make it difficult for your child to achieve the success that we know they are capable of. We strive to recognize the physical and physiologic triggers that are preventing your child from reaching their full potential.


Through understanding the elements that can cause sensory issues in a child, parent interviews and clinical observation, we will try to set forth a plan to help determine the best course of action for your child.


Autism is most often suspected by parents prior to the age of two and is characterized by repetitive behaviors, impaired social interactions and difficulty with verbal and non-verbal communication. Early intervention is crucial in building a strong foundation of self care, social awareness and communication. Together, we can discover and try to implement successful plans for your child's specific needs. 


The most recent and comprehensive studies on sleep have discovered that sleep disorders are far more common in children than previously known. Sleep disruptions/arousals prevent the brain from entering into reparative sleep stages that are essential for our brains ability to heal and recover. Without this consistent "brain cleaning" a child can develop many symptoms that are very commonly misdiagnosed as ADD, ADHD, bipolar disorder, and other/multiple disorders of learning and development. Often, at-home or clinically observed sleep testing can provide critical insight into a child's health and could prevent or reduce the incidence and reliance on unnecessary pharmaceutical treatments. 


Allergies are extremely common in the Pacific Northwest for children and adults. Research shows that 1 in 8 children have asthma, 1 in 5 have allergic eczema, 3 out of 5 children have hay fever, and it is estimated that 1 in 3 children have food intolerance or sensitivity. Left undiagnosed and untreated, underlying symptoms can make sufferers miserable during the day and can disrupt consistent sleep patterns at night. This can lead to a variety of health and behavioral problems, especially in children; often causing symptoms that mimic ADD, anxiety, and depression.

A simple and instant allergy panel can provide insight that leads to answers and relief from symptoms and stress, and often decrease reliance on medication.